
Join the fight to close the gender pay gap and say No to Privatization!

The Equal Pay Coalition is hosting a Speakers’ Corner at the International Women’s Day Rally and March in Toronto on Saturday, March 4.

A cameraperson will be on site to record attendees sharing their thoughts on why pay equity matters and #PrivatizationHurtsWomen. These perspectives will be shared on social media in the run-up to Equal Pay Day (April 4, 2023)

Meet us on March 4 in the OISE building (252 Bloor Street West) at 10:30am. We’re hoping to capture the energy of the crowd, so we strongly encourage you to join in person if you can!

Can’t make it to Toronto? You can still support the campaign!

Film a short video of yourself and/or your colleagues answering the following questions. Please keep each response under 20 seconds.

  • What is your name, role, and organizational affiliation?
  • How would strong public services help you?
  • How does privatization hurt you?
  • What’s a message about women’s economic equality that you want our governments/the public to hear on Equal Pay Day?

Submission Instructions:

  • Submission deadline: Friday, March 17.
  • Upload your video(s) to our Google Drive using this link.
  • If you have any questions or issues with your video, email Kate.

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